How to Select the Best Lighting Fixture for a Nursery
One of the essential aspects of creating a calming nursery is picking out the most suitable lighting.
Few life events are as exciting as welcoming a new baby into the family. For parents, this means changing the home to ensure it can meet the needs of a newborn. One of the essential aspects is picking out the most suitable lighting. Please keep reading to learn how to select the best lighting option to enhance the baby's room.
Skip harsh lighting
Soft lighting makes a room feel warm and cozy, but it has other benefits too. It minimizes the contrast between dark and light, preventing the baby's eyes from getting tired and overstimulated.
Parents should skip exposed bulbs and halogens since these lights could make the newborn anxious and unsettled. The exposed bulbs can even represent a safety hazard when the baby learns to crawl. Instead, buying fixtures that provide a diffused or soft light is best.
Consider installing a dimmer
Sleep helps babies develop correctly, and lights that aren't easy on the eyes prevent them from relaxing and falling asleep. For this reason, many parents have made dimmers an integral part of their nightly routine. They create a peaceful atmosphere perfect for a baby to rest. Moreover, they provide just enough light that parents can peek into the room without waking the youngster.
Light layers are an excellent option
Soft lighting looks stunning, but it doesn't always prevent mishaps when parents change diapers. For these situations, creating several layers of light is the best solution. It improves visibility without disrupting the newborn's drowsy state.
Instead of using a single fixture, combine several lights to illuminate specific nursery areas. This practical approach also reduces electricity bills because parents can turn on a specific fixture when they need it most.
Ceiling light/fan combinations
Instead of installing a traditional ceiling light, consider investing in an option that combines light fixtures and ceiling fans.
The fan can maintain optimal temperature levels year-round, and its motion may soothe the baby when it's distressed. Try finding a model with colorful blades to add a dash of brightness to the nursery.
Don't use floor lamps
Floor lamps feature stunning designs, but they're the culprit behind many accidents once the baby starts to crawl and grows into a toddler. So only buy fixtures that can be at a safe distance from the crib to prevent injuries.
Natural light regulation
Parents should childproof the nursery's windows before the baby arrives. While natural light is the best wake-up call, babies are sensitive and need time to get used to their environment. Select blinds or drapes in a neutral color to give the nursery a serene atmosphere.
Night lights
Babies can get scared when they suddenly wake up in the dark, so install a night light fixture that casts a soft glow to brighten the nursery.
Illuminate the nursery with professional assistance
Contact an expert to find the most attractive and practical lighting fixtures. They'll recommend options that align with the room's aesthetic and guarantee a quick installation.
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